e-Ausleihe. Red




A Haida Manga

Year: 2012

Language: English

Scope: 120 p.


Reading sample
Tells the story of Red, who, distraught over the kidnapping of his sister, is so blinded by revenge that he leads his community to the brink of war, in a work that blends Haida imagery with Japanese manga.
Author text:
Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas melds his cultural experiences as a Haida with contemporary graphic literature to produce a unique genre called Haida Manga. Yahgulanaas was formally introduced to Haida iconography by his elder cousinpainter, carver and printmaker Robert Davidson. He also studied with Cantonese artist Cai Ben Kwon. His books includeFlight of the Hummingbird, and Hachidori, a bestseller in Japan. He was raised on Haida Gwaii and now lives on Bowen Island near Vancouver, BC.

Title: Red

Illustrator: Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll

Publisher : Perseus Book Group

ISBN: 9781553659990

Category: Literature & Entertainment, Comics & Mangas

Format: PDF

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