e-Ausleihe. Sramana Mitra on Bootstrapping


Sramana Mitra on Bootstrapping

Sramana Mitra on Bootstrapping

Person: Mitra, Sramana

Year: 2016


Want to start your own business? Bootstrap it! LinkedIn Influencer Sramana Mitra, an expert on entrepreneurship, shares her insights on how to start a new business without any external financing. Bootstrapping can be a way to quickly validate and launch a company, and get the traction you need to attract serious investors (or you can bootstrap all the way). Sramana dismisses some of the myths that get in the way of new entrepreneurs, and then turns the focus on to the benefits of bootstrapping. She walks through two methods of bootstrapping that can be particularly valuable: selling services and developing a business while holding down a full-time job.

Title: Sramana Mitra on Bootstrapping

Person: Mitra, Sramana

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

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