e-Ausleihe. Game Art: Model UV Map a Low Poly Character


Game Art: Model & UV Map a Low Poly Character

Game Art: Model & UV Map a Low Poly Character

Person: Bradley, Joel

Year: 2017


Expand your game artistry know-how by becoming skilled in low-polygon modeling. Joel Bradley shows how to model and UV map low-poly assets in this course. Joel takes you through the process-using 3ds Max-of modeling a low-poly asset for use in in a game engine. He starts by providing an overview of tools and options to get you ready to set up a scene. Then he dives into the building and creation process, which includes shaping and using guide objects. Once the forms are established, Joel demonstrates how to detail, refine, and unwrap the finished model. He concludes the course by showing how to export the model and bake normal maps to get it ready for texturing.

Title: Game Art: Model & UV Map a Low Poly Character

Person: Bradley, Joel

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

4343 Copies
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Loan period: 180 days