e-Ausleihe. Print Production: Spot Colors and Varnish


Print Production: Spot Colors and Varnish

Print Production: Spot Colors and Varnish

Person: McCue, Claudia

Year: 2013


While most printing today is accomplished via a four-color process, there is a wide range of practical and creative options available when you add an additional color or varnish. This course teaches how these additional colors are made and shows some examples of finished projects that use these colors. Author Claudia McCue also dives directly into Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and other creative apps and shows how to build documents correctly for printing.

Title: Print Production: Spot Colors and Varnish

Person: McCue, Claudia

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

4295 Copies
4295 Available
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Loan period: 180 days