e-Ausleihe. Design the Web: Clipping Masks


Design the Web: Clipping Masks

Design the Web: Clipping Masks

Person: Converse, Chris

Year: 2013


In this course, author Chris Converse shows you how to use clipping masks to create interesting web design effects in Adobe Photoshop, while leaving the original images unharmed. Learn how to clip photography behind type, create a custom clipping shape with the Paint and Erase tools, create silhouetted images, and limit layer adjustments to specific layers. This course was created and produced by Chris Converse, and lynda.com is honored to host this content in our library.

Title: Design the Web: Clipping Masks

Person: Converse, Chris

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

4279 Copies
4279 Available
0 Reserved items

Loan period: 180 days