e-Ausleihe. Software Programmieren Titles


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Title 741-760 of 10,417

Hauser, Tobias

Pimcore: Ein erster Blick

Machen Sie sich mit einem neuartigen Umgang mit Daten vertraut: Als sogenannte Digital Experience Pl ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


In stock since: 10.05.2021


Lana, María Puy Arrastia

Java avanzado 2

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Concha, Rodrigo Díaz

.NET 5 esencial

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Kloski, Nick

3D Scanning: From Mesh to Model

Interested in learning the basics of reverse engineering? In this course, instructor Nick Kloski hel ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Maurice, Florence

PHP Grundkurs 1: Sprachgrundlagen

PHP ist die beliebteste serverseitige Skriptsprache zur Erstellung von dynamischen Webseiten und kom ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Waldrip, Jain

Software Testing Foundations: Continuous Testing and DevOps

The next step beyond agile testing and test automation is continuous testing. Continuous testing mea ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Mogha, Rashim

Cloud Concepts: Determining Your Cloud Strategy

In this era of digital transformation, the move to cloud is inevitable. In this course, instructor R ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Mogha, Rashim

Embrace the Cloud with Confidence

As organizations increase their reliance on cloud technologies, everyone within an organization need ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Perkins, Todd

iPadOS 13 Development Essential Training

With the release of iPadOS 13, developers and users were granted access to several new features and  ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Koleoso, Tayo

Java Concurrency Troubleshooting: Latency and Throughput

Concurrency and its related problems are common in enterprises. But developers who can effectively t ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Kay, Emily

Emmet: Fast and Efficient Web Coding

Looking for a tool to make you a faster and more efficient programmer? Take a look at Emmet, a free  ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Thorn, Alan

Unity: Product Visualization

Our world is filled with cool products, designed by talented and skilled creatives. Unity is a real- ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


西村, 誠


In stock since: 10.05.2021


Lilienthal, Carola

iSAQB-Zertifizierung für Softwarearchitekt:innen - Grundlagen

Die Zertifizierungen des iSAQB - steht für international Architecture Qualification Board - ermöglic ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Carpenter, Tom

AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01): 2 Design and Deployment

All quality databases begin with a thoughtful design. In this installment of the AWS Certified Datab ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Ngango, Gustave

Préparer la certification AWS Cloud Practitioner : Les bases

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Dörsch, Martin

Capture One Pro 20 Grundkurs

Fotos im RAW-Format vorliegen zu haben, heißt, dass man auch nach Betätigen des Auslösers noch in di ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Dörsch, Martin

Capture One Pro: Lokale Anpassungen

Capture One bietet eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, Bilder zu entwickeln und das Beste aus den Raw-Da ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Khichane, Madjid

Machine learning : Traitement du langage naturel avec Python

In stock since: 10.05.2021
