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French, Nigel

Photoshop for Designers: Working with Bridge

Photoshop for Designers shows how to leverage the best features in Photoshop for your design work. T ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


French, Nigel

Learning Adobe Fonts (Formerly Typekit)

Adobe Fonts, formally known as Typekit, is a font subscription service that lets you activate fonts  ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


French, Nigel

InDesign for Editors

Designers aren't the only ones who use InDesign. Editors, copywriters, and admin staff often have to ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


French, Nigel

Photoshop for Designers: Working with Shapes

Shapes are key to the most iconic graphic designs in history. They're also the secret weapons of bus ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021
