e-Ausleihe. Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse Angebot


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Title 41-60 of 5,004

Kornfield, Jack; True, Sounds

Introduction to Forgiveness Meditation

It's a simple fact of life that at some point, we've been harmed or betrayed, and at other times we  ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Do you dread your annual performance review? In this course, instructors Ora Shtull and William Arru ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Brann, Amy

Creating the Environment for Productive Virtual Teams

Remote teams present some unique benefits and challenges for managers and for the employees on the t ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Batesole, Brad; Madecraft, Madecraft

Google Analytics Quick Start


Ready to take your analytics game to the next level? In this course, learn how to take advantage of  ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


田村, 憲孝


In stock since: 10.05.2021


Probert, Denise

Corporate Financial Statement Creation

Even for nonprofit organizations or charities, a careful accounting of the money that's coming in an ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Job, Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your

How to Organize Your Time and Your Life

Looking for an organizational system that fits your specific needs? Don't just follow the trendiest  ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Taylor, Michael

Advanced Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager has upgraded to add a suite of powerful features that fine-tune your control and  ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Job, Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your

Speaking Confidently and Effectively

The ability to present yourself and communicate well is crucial in any work environment. In this cou ...

In stock since: 10.05.2021



10 minutes, un livre : Le pouvoir des introvertis

In stock since: 10.05.2021


Massol, Philippe

Financer son entreprise

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Sun, Winnie

Managing Your Finances Through a Career Transition or Layoff

Career transitions, whether planned or unexpected, trigger a barrage of time-sensitive financial pla ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Beauchamps, Alexandra

Excel pour Mac : Analyser avec des fonctions (Microsoft 365/Office 365)

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Arnold, Monika; Bruns, Benedikt

Yammer Grundkurs

Als Enterprise Social Network ist Microsoft Yammer eine unternehmensinterne Kommunikationsplattform  ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Nussbaum, Cordula

Tipps für kreatives Zeitmanagement: Jede Woche neu


"Ich habe keine Zeit!" ist der Klassiker in unserem Alltag. Aber immer mehr Menschen möchten raus au ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Meyer, Angelika S.

Outlook lernen (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

Müssen Sie auch jeden Tag den Überblick über viele, vielleicht zu viele E-Mails, Termine und Aufgabe ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Barnes, Samantha

Learning Google Data Studio for Marketers

With basic knowledge of Google Data Studio, you can turn any information into sleek data visualizati ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Tao, Melodie

Marketing Virtual Events

Virtual events are powerful branding and business opportunities. By hosting an online event, you can ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Maier, Thomas; Ammann, Dominik

Microsoft 365: Neue Funktionen

Microsoft 365 beinhaltet eine große Anzahl an Softwareprodukten - von den klassischen Office-Anwendu ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Brownlee, David

Customer Service and Support During Economic Downturns

Financial fallouts send shock waves through your customer base. The individuals seeking out your bus ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021
