die Onleihe Verbund Rheinland Pfalz. Alle Titel zu Bott, Jon


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Bott, Jon

Xcode Developer Tools in iOS

Bugs and performance issues inevitably come up during coding. Xcode 9 has some great new tools for f ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Bott, Jon

iOS App Development: Design Patterns for Mobile Architecture

Developers need to know how to minimize app complexity and maximize scalability. Good architectural  ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Bott, Jon

Android App Development: Design Patterns for Mobile Architecture

Developers need to know how to manage an app's complexity. In this course, learn how to simplify you ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021


Bott, Jon

RxJava: Design Patterns for Android Developers

The RxJava library-a Java virtual machine (VM) implementation of Reactive Extensions-extends the obs ...

Im Bestand seit: 10.05.2021
